Text: Sept psaumes de la pénitence allégorisés

Moralized Penitential Psalms


Found in:

Created in 1409


Author: Christine de Pizan

Translator Unknown


  • Devotional
  • Didactic
  • Female author
  • Paraliturgical
  • Pedagogical
  • Prose
  • Religious

Ownership Details

Unnamed Private Collection (ex-Ashburnham-Barrois 203) owned by Anne of France, duchess of Bourbon (post-1474-1522). Ownership Possible with Other as evidence.

Unnamed Private Collection (ex-Ashburnham-Barrois 203) owned by Charles I of Bourbon (1434-1456). Ownership Possible with Other as evidence.

Unnamed Private Collection (ex-Ashburnham-Barrois 203) owned by John I of Bourbon (1410-1434). Ownership Possible with Other as evidence.

Unnamed Private Collection (ex-Ashburnham-Barrois 203) owned by John II of Bourbon (1456-1488). Ownership Possible with Other as evidence.

Unnamed Private Collection (ex-Ashburnham-Barrois 203) owned by Louis II Duke of Bourbon (1409-1410). Ownership Possible with Other as evidence.

Unnamed Private Collection (ex-Ashburnham-Barrois 203) owned by Peter II of Bourbon (1488-1503). Ownership Possible with Other as evidence.

